Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Cycle Dairy - 20050215

Inspired by Sparkes tales of avocational agriculture, I decide that it may be interesting to blog the daily cycle to work, if I can manage it daily (that refers to both the blog and the cycling).

Weather - Cold this morning - 0C, warmed up in the afternoon, possible tailwind inthe morning, no wind on the return. The cold really froze the ears though, might try to see if I can wear a toque under the helmet.

Traffic - nothing major. dodged between a trinity of buses this morning, which made the middlle portion interesting. We travelled at roughly the same speed, so I was passing them (and being passed) for about half the journey.
The StrathClyde Police Station Roundabout is still a mess with large barricades blocking the left hand lane. Means I have to start my run earlier when approaching that roundabout to get myself in the right hand lane. Not a big deal but it really burns the legs.
Messed up the Mario Pizza corner (I will find the street name later). Thought I could run up the middle line and get myself in position to avoid the left hand turners. Mistimed it and got caught out on the wrong side. Dived on the pavement and used the pedestrian crossing to get out of that mess.

Other Stuff - pedalled behind a kid who has been cycling over the winter. He had good pace and I struggled to keep up. Hopefully that situation will change as I continue to cycle to work. It took me about a month to get my legs and fitness back last autumn. I have started to cycle in a lot earlier this year and I hope it pays off.

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