Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sorry if I am plugging up Planet ScotLUG with this stuff. Just trying to get my web resources sorted for the CISSP.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Check out the University of Washington CSE P 590TU: Practical Aspects of Modern Cryptography with brilliant slides and lecture notes.
MIT's OCW also has some good offerings.
6.897 Selected Topics in Cryptography
CISSP Prep Resources
- General CISSP Info
- Sample CISSP Exam Questions
- Domain 1 - Security Management Practices
- Domain 2 - Access Control Systems and Methodology
- Domain 3 - Telecommunications and Network Security
- Domain 4 - Cryptography
- Domain 5 - Security Architecture and Models
- Domain 6 - Operations Security
- Domain 7 - Applications and Systems Development Security
- Domain 8 - BCP and Disaster Recovery Planning
- Domain 9 - Law, Investigations, and Ethics
- Domain 10 - Physical Security
- General CISSP Info:
Study Group Yahoo Site
the CISSP Test & Certification
NIST Computer
Security Publications - from the NIST Computer Security Resources Site.
NIST Computer Security Resource Center
ISC2 - International Information Systems
Security Certification Consortium.
Papers - from the Computer Security Paper Archive Project.
NSTISSI No. 4009 - 1992 National
Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) Glossary. "Provides standard definitions
for many of the specialized terms relating to the disciplines of communications
security (COMSEC) and automated information systems security (AISS), sometimes
referred to as computer security (COMPUSEC)." The most recent Sept. 2000
version is available as a PDF file at
Review of Information Security.
Handbook of Information
Security Management - 1999 edition.
Federation of American Scientists
SecurityManagement Online
extensive news and legal coverage of security issues.
- Sample CISSP Exam Questions:
CCCure's Sample CISSP Questions
. Be sure to check their Study
Guides and download materials.
Cert21 practice tests
- but you first need to set up an account with them.
- Domain 1 - Security Management Practices:
Note that there is much commonality between this and other domains.
Information Risk Elements - by Alan Oliphant (in ITAudit)
Management Guides - This material is also useful for Domain 7 review
of applications configuration management.
Risk Management
- from the Handbook of Information Security Management.
Whitepapers on Security Management - This is a recent (9/2002) guide
with set of links to various Microsft papers that cover the management of
site security policies and procedures.
Back to Index
- Domain 2 - Access Control Systems and Methodology:
There is much repetition here with other domains - review OPSEC (Domain
6) and Physical Security (Domain 10) in particular. See additional Common
Criteria and Biometrics resources at those Domains.
General Access Control info from
Security Solutions.
NIST Paper on Role-Based
Access Controls - considered to be better than DAC for non-military
Rainbow Series
Library - with PS and PDF formatted documents.
5200.28-STD - Orange Book (1983) - DoD Trusted Computer System Evaluation
Criteria (TCSEC).
products List - listed by rating from Orange Book. Since this list only
covers evals in past three years (note the site was last updated in Sept,
2000) Also, be sure to see the Historical
List of all previously evaluated systems (listed by vendor).
- Trusted Network Interpretation of the TSEC (Red Book) and NCSC-TG-011
- Guidance for Applying the Trusted Network Interpretation. These extend
the Orange Book coverage to networks.
- Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria - British certification
recognized in Europe. Developed as an international alternative to TCSEC.
In May 1990 France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom published
the Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) based on
existing work in their respective countries. Following extensive international
review, Version 1.2 was subsequently published in June 1991 by the Commission
of the European Communities for operational use within evaluation and certification
schemes. ITSEC is a structured set of criteria for evaluating computer security
within products and systems. Each evaluation involves a detailed examination
of IT security features culminating in comprehensive and informed functional
and penetration testing. This work is undertaken using an agreed Security
Target as the baseline for ensuring that a product or system meets its security
specification. ITSEC operates the concept of assurance levels E0 to E6.
This scale represents ascending levels of confidence that can be placed
in the TOEs security functions and determines the rigour of the evaluation.
Since the launch of ITSEC in 1990, a number of other European countries
have agreed to recognise the validity of ITSEC evaluations. Both ITSEC and
TCSEC are forerunners of the Common
Criteria - ISO 15408 (1998)- first released in 1996.
EALs - Common Criteria's 7 Evaluation Assurance Levels (EAL 1-7) and
their relationship to ITSEC evaluation levels (E0-6).
Understanding the
Windows EAL4 Evaluation - a useful discussion of how the CC works.
Biometric Test Center Publications
Biometrics Links
from the MSU Biometrics Research Site.
- Domain 3 - Telecommunications and Network Security:
Telecom & Networks web courses - easy to follow, and a good place to start
Techweb Networking Terminology
Guide to Network Administration - good coverage of common issues, plus technical info on LANs, VPNs, and network security.
TCP/IP Overview
from ACM.
Intro to TCP/IP -
an old (1995) and brief document. The ACM overview is better.
Tutorial from Dragonmount
RFC1180 - a TCP/IP
Network Device Presentation - good descriptions and helpful diagrams.
Uri's TCP/IP Resources
List - a massive set of well-organized links. This is THE PLACE to go
for TCP/IP information. Much of what you need to know or want to find about
TCP/IP is at this site.
Understanding Communications - focus on the WAN side - From Ericsson
Data Network Resources - this is good overall coverage
Must-Have Reference for IP - has a very good glossary of IP acronyms.
Webopedia On-line Computer Encyclopedia
- good network coverage
Cable and Connectors - this is an excellent document with helpful drawings and tables.
Networking Media Course - good overview set of slides, includes wireless.
Images of Cisco network devices
Designations - nice chart of the different Ethernet flavors.
Telecommunications Media - Chapter 4 of Stallings' Data and Computer Copmmunications textbook.
vs Fiber - discussion of the different cable types and expected usage;
good coverage of fiber technology.
Searchable Subject Index on Internet Protocols
IANA List of Registered TCP/IP Ports
Protocols, Ports, and Sockets - good coverage of how they work.
DOD Migration
to IPv6 - 10/14/03 issue of GCN
Security Implications
of IPv6 - ISS paper that discusses how migration to IPv6 may create
security problems.
Comprehensive list of network monitoring tools
Shomiti Taps - Finistar site
LURHQ's Malware Technical Papers contain some solid info about various worms and viruses, and exploits like DNS cache poisoning.
and IPSec Tutorial - presentation with good coverage and useful diagrams. Also see SSL and TLS description
and thorough IPSec presentationIPSec
White Paper - from Cisco, contains a useful summary.
Tunneling Described - short Microsoft article with some helpful diagrams
Radius and TACACS
- Network Computing article.
RPC - brief overview.
Application Layer Security Protocols
Sniffer tools
and detection article in Linux Journal - brief overview.
packetsniff site by Steve
Packet Storm's alphabetized
download site for sniffer and analyzer software, with descriptions.
High-level Overview of Attacks, Services, and Mechanisms
RAD Network Tutorials
- much easy to find info and a glossary.
Network Security Articles
by Rik Farrow
FAX FAQS - from
FAXIMUM. Very extensive coverage.
ISS Security Center's Underground info
- Domain 4 - Cryptography:
to Cryptography and PGP - Good intro with useful Glossary - heavy focus
on PGP.
Summary of Cryptographic Techniques
My Crypto
Links - several useful links that I have found are here (part of my
security web page). These include two quality sites that have massive sets
of links to numerous crypto sites. Also, see My
Security Class Links that includes various NIST links.
Cryptography Overview - good discussion of symmetric and asymmetric
Homeland Insecurity
- Atlantic Monthly interview with Bruce Schneier. Some good crypto background
material and a primer
on public-key encryption.
Wikipedia's review
of cryptography
- Domain 5 - Security Architecture and Models:
- Charter for IETF's IPSEC with list of relevant RFPs from this group.
Anderson Report - Computer Security Technology Planning Study, 1972
for USAF.
Enterprise Security Architecture - Draft document from the NAC Security Architecture Work Group April 2004
Design and Evaluation of Infosec Systems - C-TR-32-92.
Security Architecture
- from the Handbook of Information Security Management.
Multics General Info and
FAQ - early mainframe timesharing system, forerunner of UNIX but more
heavily secured.
of TCB Divisions - a nice visual aid helping to understand the different
levels of the Trusted Computer Base in TCSEC.
The Complete, Unofficial
TEMPEST Information Page
- Domain 6 - Operations Security:
- Links to CIRT Sites
National Infrastructure Protection Center
RAD Network Tutorials
- much easy to find info and a glossary.
Common Criteria - ISO 15408.
Be sure to read the Introduction
to CC - pdf file for those (like us) who don't need to read the full
FCAPS - Fault,
Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security - model for asset management.
Rainbow Series
- online library - note the Configuration Management and Trusted Recovery
Interagency OPSEC Support
Staff - info about IOSS plus links to other good OPSEC sources such
as NSDD 298, and the OPSEC Professionals Society.
DoD OPSEC Program
- DoD Dir 5205.2.
AFB OPSEC Site - has many related organizational and reference links,
including a useful glossary of terms.
- Domain 7 - Applications and Systems Development Security:
Objects and Components - OO
resources from I.T. Works.
Database Concepts - a brief review.
Database Security
- helpful PowerPoint presentation from a college course.
- Domain 8 - BCP and Disaster Recovery Planning
Network World Fusion Research site on Disaster Recovery with a wide assortment
of links.
- Domain 9 - Law, Investigation & Ethics:
US Information Security
Law - Part 1 - from SecurityFocus 2/25/2003.
Federal Laws & Regs
- good set of links from fedlaw site but only thru the late 90's. Some additional
related links as well to federal agencies and other security sites.
Code of Ethics
from various sources including ISC2.
RFC 1087 - the IAB's
"Ethics and the Internet".
LAWSOURCE - American Law Sources
MLAT - Mutual Legal Assistance
Digital Millenium Copyright
Act - many links to resources about the DMCA - from educause.
Security Act of 1987 - Public Law 100-235
Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 - 18 USC 1030
Why the Due Care security
review method is superior to Risk Assessment - Donn Parker's argument
against using Risk Assesssment techniques. CSI's Computer Security Alert,
Number 212, November 2000.
Intellectual Property Law - from
KuesterLaw - The Technology Law Resource with links to many patent, copyright,
and trademark related sites.
Legal & Ethical Issues
from NIPC
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC
Computer Intrusion Laws - links provided by CCIPS at the cybercrime
Fraud & Abuse Act of 1986 - 18 USC 1030 w/ 1996 amendments - from the
DOJ cybercrime site.
Security Act of 1987 - the full text of the law in an easy-to-read format.
Computer Security Act of 1987
- Site at the Electronic Privacy Information Center ( that
contains links to additional related info.
- at the EPIC site.
Patriot Act - full text (from the EFF site).
Patriot Act analysis by EFF - very thorough.
FIRST - Forum for Incident Response.
CERT Incident Response Team Resources
Glasser LegalWorks - much info (online
newsletters and many links) relating to the legal side of computing.
State Law Search
and State
Computer Laws
- additional computer law & forensics resources from my security site.
- Domain 10 - Physical Security:
Yahoo Files
The International Biometric Society
is devoted to the mathematical and statistical aspects of biology.
The Biometric Consortium US govt.
focal point for research, development, testing, and evaluation. It is sponsored
by NSA and NIST. See their Introduction
to Biometrics.
NIST Biometrics
Research Center
Common Criteria
-site index for the new international standard for Information Security
- ISO/IEC 15408. Includes a list of products that meet Common Criteria evaluation
National Information Assurance Partnership
sponsored by NIST and NSA to disseminate information on the status of all
development efforts associated with new security specs and requirements
that comply with the Common Criteria. See the NSTISSP
No. 11 FAQ that clarifies compliance with this national IA acquisition
policy for deploying IA products at govt. sites.
Alternatives FAQ. FM-200
is supposed to be the most effective alternative.
Field Manual of Physical Security - (314 pages). recommended sections
are Physical Barriers (c.4), Lighting (c.5), Security Systems (c.6), Access
Control (c.7), and Lock and Key (c.8)
Friday, June 08, 2007
The Steampunk Workshop is producing the goods for those Victoriana Tech-Heads.
Monday, June 04, 2007
It is lovely when the BBC gets done over - now could they start to mention that Bush started the recent nuclear escalation in Europe and not Putin?